Review: Scarlett

From tedium onward – the grass is always greener on the other side.

This article was originally written on 1/24/2015. A newer, substantially abridged version of this article will be on the first page – an older, lengthier (but less organized one) will be on the following. May contain structural/conceptual spoilers to the work.

Scarlett reads like an 80s action movie – it’s fun-packed and animated by a ‘retro’ vibe. The work excels at making the reader feel in-the-moment, which is no easy feat. The plot, while easy-to-read, is ultimately forgettable; it takes a backseat to what the work does best – and that is, to draw the reader into its world. Through its gung-ho, at times, grandiose execution, Scarlett is a fun, engaging read – it’s consistent, focused, and rapidly paced; there’s virtually no ‘filler.’

Construable as a tale of maturity – a coming of age, Scarlett follows the protagonist, Oono Akito – who, with a model Beretta in one hand, and abandon on the other, travels to a military base in Okinawa to escape from everyday tedium – an end to the clockwork . Long after the read, you may not remember the plot; as the events are wild and the themes transient – but, you’ll reminisce on what you felt: in-the-moment.

I enjoy reflecting on works which I've read and sharing my thoughts on them.

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